Monday, January 18, 2010

Plan comes together

I've been a bit stressed about how I'm going to get the annual done, and how I'm going to get the plane to wherever it needs to go to get the annual done.  I think I've resolved both issues.  Jim Kreider from recommended Jay Shearer who is based at Deck airport just 19NM from Donegal Springs where the airplane is getting the interior done.  I've spoken with Jay and he understands my situation, and also comes recommended and maintains a few Baron's out at Deck.  Jay is going to do the annual and understands I will be deferring some items like the props until I get the plane home.  There are also a couple prop shops out there and I may in fact have some the Mx items done out in PA.  Either way, Jay will take care of the annual, so that's one less thing I need to coordinate.  Paul McCracken had recommended I fly it up to Kalamazoo MI, but I think that's too far and with Deck being only 19 miles from Donegal, Advantage will be able to finish the seats while the plane is getting annualed.

So the second and more pressing problem was how do I get it up to Deck?  I need a B55 pilot who has 1500 total time, 250 multi engine and 25 B55 time.  This isn't your basic Cessna, so that kind of pilot is not super easy to find.  Luckily today I got a note from Mike Dechnik, also whom I connected with on Beechtalk.

Adam, I spoke with a gentleman, David Breskman, that can fly your plane from Donegal Springs to Deck. He's an ex-military pilot than owns a B55, and has over 1000 hours of time in make and model, and also has a lot of time in D55 which he previously owned. He said he had over 5000 hrs in make and model. His only constraint is that he's been traveling a lot down to DC because he has a relatively new grandchild down there.

I think I would fly him out to Donegal Springs in my E55 and he would fly your plane to Deck, if you needed it moved for the annual. We would basically work for as a favor or as food if we ever got together, since it's an excuse for us to go flying!

Perfect!!  I'm beginning to think that pilots are about the coolest and most friendly people anywhere.  (Actually I think I already knew that) 

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