Monday, November 10, 2014

Test flight

Picked up the plane today. The VGs are installed and I like them! Takeoff feels mostly the same, except it feels like the weight comes off the mains a bit earlier. I climbed to 7500 and ran it WOT at 2400 rpm and it settled in around 178-180 kts, which might be a knot or two lower than I would expect however at that point I didn't have the fuel flow working on my JPI so it's really hard to know. I'll do some more cruise testing this weekend when I go to Vegas. Stall is about 8-10 kts slower now. The warning horn came on at about 78 kts and I kept pulling back back back until the speed bled off to 62-63 indicated on the G500, clean with gear up which is how the test was specified in the install docs. 

At that point the stall came but it was super docile, no more break just a gentle bobble of the nose. I held it there for awhile and slowly lost about 400 ft of altitude, put the nose down and flew right out of it.  I flew back to Livermore and landed, adjusted the stall warning horn so now it goes on at about 70 and I'm all good. I haven't tested VMC yet, wasn't sure about doing that solo. Landings are definitely easier to come in slow and land short now, basically it lands like a 172 now and probably with less distance.

The JPI 790 is a huge improvement over the 760, I really like it. I'm still getting used to the location, not so much for the engine monitor but I'm not used to having the standby altimeter so prominently high and the MP and RPM gauges shifted right... getting used to that and I think i like it, so far. The JPI 790 screen is really nice, the fonts are huge so it's very easy to read, and the clarity is superb. This is a great unit, especially for the price it really is awesome.  

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