Friday, April 23, 2010

BPPP Day 1

Today I did day one of the BPPP... wow what a fire hose of information.  Everyone is super cool and I feel like I'm surrounded by some seriously experienced people.  The morning session was with Dr. John Elkalbar, who is an economist up at Chico and also a renowned flight instructor who has published at least four aviation books that I know of.  Just listening to him talk about flying "by the numbers" really got me thinking about how much more I really should focus more on establishing known pitch attitude and power settings for various phases of flight... There was a an afternoon session where I learned way more than I will ever need to know about the details of LP, LNAV, LPV, RNAV and GPS-Z vs GPS-Y approaches, etc. not to mention a myriad of little tidbits of info on the charts.  Then I had a class on Baron systems with a super knowledgeable guy named Dave Monti who will also be giving my plane a 45 minute once over tomorrow.  That should be fun!  I'm also really looking forward to 5 hours of flying with Waldo Anderson on Sunday.  What a cool way to spend the weekend!

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